An example of the land becoming corrupted can be seen here above. So far, there is only one type of enemy and two types of towers. Different enemies and towers are planned for future stages of the games, including but not limited to, boss monsters, long range towers, and slowing towers. The way the game works right now is the enemies will try to make it to the bottom, and you have to build towers to shoot them and block their paths.
Some challenges this game has posed to me as of now is dynamic enemy pathing and infinite level scaling. Dynamic pathing means as new objects are placed on the grid, the enemies have to find a new shortest path to the goal. This was one of the first problems I tackled in this project, and was able to solve it using Gamemakers mpGrid function.
In the code snippets above, you can see how I first created a grid object divides the grid into cells with sizes of my choosing. I then add objects to the grid that need to be avoided. Then, when I create an enemy object, I give it a path based on the objects in that grid. Now the enemies will find the best path to the end!
Infinite level scaling is another problem I ran into, and I am still dealing with it. The problem with infinite levels is that you have to predict how the user will play and how long they will play. So far, I have narrowed my style down to two possible forms: scaling health or scaling enemy type. These two difficulties are diagrammed below:
As you can see, the blue line has stronger temporary impact, while over time it only gradually grows, but the red line has a more fair and balanced increase. I decided to go with the scaling HP formula, and use the flat lines to indicate when to release boss monsters. This formula will not be final, so testing will provide more direct feedback.
So far this game has been really fun to code, and I am extremely satisfied with how it has progressed in the last 2 weeks!
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